
QESD’s Health and Safety Protocols

At QESD, we will continue to work on preventive measures when it comes to the health and safety of our students and staff.  The items listed below explain how we will work towards the preventative measure of infectious diseases.


            Hand Hygiene:

  • Frequent hand washing/cleaning will be encouraged at regular intervals throughout the day with both soap and water or hand sanitizer.  Instructions for hand washing include:
  • Using soap and water, scrubbing for 20 seconds, and rinsing.
  • Using paper towels to dry hands, turn sink handles, and open doors, then safely discarding
  • Using alcohol-based hand sanitizer.


            School Sites and Classrooms:

  • Where possible, student seating will be arranged to maintain social distancing.  Desks will be faced in the same direction, rather than facing each other or students will site on only one side of tables, spaced apart.
  • Each student’s belongings will be separated from others and in individually labeled containers, cubbies, or areas.
  • Assigned seating in classrooms will be implemented to assist with contact tracing.
  • Where possible, social distancing will be maintained in open areas, such as gyms, playground, walkways.
  • Students will be encouraged to bring their own water to minimize use and touching of water fountains.
  • To limit exposure to other students and staff, recess will be separated by classes and grade levels.
  • Signage will be posted in all rooms and common areas explaining hygiene practices to prevent spread.
  • Where possible, adjustments to drop-off and pick-up routines will be made to facilitate social distancing.  Staff will escort young students into and out of the building.  Families are asked to remain in their vehicles or wait outside.


            Heath Screening:

  • Students should stay home if they feel ill or are exhibiting symptoms of respiratory infection.
  • Parents/guardians should assess their child’s health daily prior to heading to school or the bus stop
  • At the beginning of each day as students enter the school, staff will informally screen students for symptoms.  If the staff has concerns, they will contact the school secretary.  A call will be placed home to arrange student pick up.


      Visitors on campus:

  • To the extent possible, access on campus for outside visitors except for the safety and well-being of students will be limited.
  • All visitors or parents/guardians are required to report to the front office and NOT go beyond unless, it is for the safety or well-being of their child.



Enhanced Cleaning:

  • Cleaning staff will routinely clean restrooms, drinking fountains, lunchrooms, and common areas throughout the school day


            Response to Reported Cases:

  • CDC protocols regarding reported cases and specific guidance from La Paz County Department of Health will be followed.
  • School secretary and principal will follow established screening protocols, and will consult with public health officials to determine how best to handle students and staff who display or develop COVID-19 symptoms.
  • Isolation rooms will be set up for students or staff who may be sick.


            Nutrition and Wellness:

  • When possible, procedures for lunch will be adjusted to allow for social distancing, greater spacing, and to reduce interactions, including possibility of adding additional lunch periods and staggering lunches.
  • Schools will continue to follow practices and procedures that comply with public health guidelines such as food handling, food preparation, cleaning and disinfecting, and food and drink dispensers.



  • Bus staff and students are required to wear masks on buses.
  • Visible signage will be placed at the entry to each bus and students will be reminded not to ride if they are symptomatic.  Staff will check for symptoms prior to boarding the bus.
  • Students will be asked to comply with social distancing guidelines when waiting at the stop, during boarding, and while exiting the bus.
  • Seating charts will be utilized to provide consistency in seating and minimize movement within the bus.
  • Bus will be sanitized between runs and at the end of the day.


Social-Emotional Well-Being:

  • Students’ social emotional well-being will be assessed when schools reopen, with additional support provided for students showing signs of mental health concerns, including trauma.
  • School will incorporate trauma-informed practices and social-emotional learning into classroom instruction in a manner that supports equity and inclusion and reflects cultural responsiveness.


Events/Sports/Field Trips:

  • Large group gatherings, such as school assemblies, sports, open house will be suspended until further notice and resumption will be reevaluated regularly.
  • Field Trips will be suspended until further notice.  Opportunities for virtual field trips will be explored.